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Date added: 19-12-2013

Programming language: PHP, MySQL

Librarys: JQuery

Platform: Web


Trajectplanner is a well-proven, future-oriented and modular deployable cloud automation solution for education, knowledge management and e-Learning. Trajectplanner software is developed by and for regular VO (V) MBO and higher education institutions as well as private institutions and business schools offer the required support. I'm responsible for the development of a few modules in this enterprise software and for the database behind the whole system. Below are some screenshots of the modules I build.

PvB Tool

Date added: 20-12-2013

Programming language: PHP, MySQL

Platform: Web


Tool & PVB App

In 2011 developed the PVB tool, which now has 11 of the total 12 AOCs use it. This tool, based on the examination standards of the "Groene standaard", facilitates the entire organizational and logistical process Trials Competence of application for assessment.

In combination with the PVB App essential functionalities for assessors are simply made ​​available through mobile applications. Assessors will find all the information about the tests on their smartphone, PDA or tablet.
The PVB tool makes the work of assessors easier, no paper comes to pass, the tests can be assessed. The PVB App is also used within ROCs in assessing internships.

Trajectplanner Database management system

Date added: 19-12-2013

Programming language: PHP, MySQL

Librarys: Laravel, JQuery

Platform: Web


Management tool for managing the database system at Bv. This tool manages table structures, relations, data and performance. It also gives an server overview with there current settings.